
For golf course operators, the convenience of credit card transactions comes at a steep price. 

But what if there’s a way to turn the tables on rising processing fees?

2023 survey from Forbes confirms that just 9% of Americans regularly use cash to pay for purchases. Digital payments are fast and easy, but surcharges from every swipe adds up to significant revenue losses. 

Teesnap acknowledges this challenge and offers a potential solution: Cash Discounting. 

But what is Cash Discounting, and how does it differ from Surcharging? Let’s explore. 

Understanding Cash Discounting & Surcharging

Cash Discounting

How it Works: Offer a discount to consumers who choose to pay with cash, check, store credit, or store-branded gift cards.



How it Works: Add a specified percentage as a fee on the total amount for consumers paying with credit cards.


Potentially offset some processing costs.

Clearly displayed added fees.

Head-To-Head Comparison

Feature/CriteriaCash DiscountingSurcharging
NatureRewards systemPenalty system
Generally positive as everyone loves
Often negative as no one likes added fees
ImplementationDirect integration into Teesnap’s POSRequires registration and approval from credit card companies
AvailabilityLegal in all 50 statesLegal in 46 states with restrictions
Need to raise baseline prices to be profitableSurcharging may not fully cover processing fees. Card brands cap fees at 3% or processing
cost, whichever is lower. Some state laws are even more restrictive with 2% fee caps.
Point of entry (eg: front door, any consumer
-entry points), purchase, and receipts
Point of entry (eg: front door, any consumer entry points), purchase, and receipts
Risk FactorsIncrease in cash can lead to potential theftMismanagement can result in loss of credit card privileges and/or fines from card companies, needs active management

Why Teesnap Offers Cash Discounting Over Surcharging

While both programs aim to offset the rising costs of credit card processing fees, Teesnap recommends Cash Discounting. 

Here’s why:

Wrapping Up

For golf course operators, Cash Discounting offers a unique approach to taking on the financial burden of credit card processing fees. 

It’s a win-win for your business operations and your customers. 

While surcharging also provides an avenue to offset costs, the potential negative perception and associated evolving risks make Cash Discounting the preferred choice for Teesnap.

Remember, regardless of the approach, the ultimate goal is to offer the best experience to golfers while ensuring your course’s financial health. By understanding the nuances of each program, golf course operators can make an informed decision that benefits both their business and their clientele.